BillIf you want to drink,
that's your business.
If you want to stop,
that's our business.

Click here for COVID-19 Resources

Ask Your Group Secretary or Central Office

When you need help and can't reach your sponsor, call your Greater Milwaukee Central Office. They will try to help, or will find help for you.

If you need some AA literature and can't find it, ask your group secretary. If you are moving or visiting another area and need to locate a new AA group, call your Central Office for meetings and addresses. If you'd like to get your spouse in contact with Al-Anon, ask your secretary. If you need a Big Book AA pamphlets or the phone number of another group member, ask your secretary.

Much like your sponsor, group secretaries will help you in every way they can. And if the secretary is unable to help, or is not available, remember you can always call the Central Office 414-771-9119.


Reprinted with the permission of Greater Milwaukee Central Office, Inc.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We wish to thank the Chicago Central Office for their contribution.


General guidelines (MG-02), as povided by the AA World Service Office, for the operation of local Intergroup and Central Offices (Click here to read guidelines.)

Actual operation of individual offices varies from community to community, depending on the needs of the local fellowship.

Links to Other AA Related Websites
Calendar of Events | AA World Services, Inc. | AA Grapevine | Meetings in Northern WI & the U.P. | Meetings in Southern WI

Al-Anon Family Groups of SE Wisconsin

These websites are neither endorsed nor opposed by A.A. World Services, Inc. Any opinions expressed here are those of Alcoholics Anonymous members, and not, necessarily, those of A.A. as a whole. Inclusion of these web links does not indicate endorsement of the related site or program. They are simply included here for your convenience.